It was released on February 5, 2020 and has over 26,000 players worldwide with a rating of 4.4. The game contains ads and in-app purchases.

Cookies must be dead Check:

Greetings readers. This is our last blog post and it’s a great new game that I recently started playing. This is a very twisty action game that I came across when I was looking for a new game to play on the App Store. I liked this game so much that I decided to write a review of this game myself.

I started playing this game a week ago and in 1 week I have already reached chapter 18. Who would have thought that I have so much free time, even though I didn’t know it. The game is called “Cookies Must Die”, developed by “Twin Rebels”. It is a fun and tasty action game thanks to the game’s theme and stories. You will understand that when we come to our review, Cookies must die.

I travel to kill cookies:

The story starts with trying edible fast foods like cookies and other junk foods. Experiments were conducted to increase the size of junk food and increase its nutritional value. However, the experiments went awry. An extremely large junk food machine was struck by lightning and damaged. Lightning added life to the human-sized cookies, giving them limbs and weapons like pistols and slingshots. I know it’s a crazy story.

Cookies captured many scientists, discovered many experimental structures and started producing many crazy junk food soldiers. But the scientists didn’t give up so easily. They realized their mistake and started another experiment (scientists never learn, right?). They did experiments with different people and gave them super powers.

These are superheroes that we, the players, control. They all have the superpowers to explode and attack this humanoid junk food so hard that the cookies crumble to pieces. Our characters also have weapons and upgrades. We learn these skills as you progress through the game.

Cookies must die Game Play:

Yes, it looks like you are running through levels, but in the game you have to fight against junk food enemies in many places. Sometimes it gives you a real boss fight and in some parts you have to kill a certain enemy and collect the key in his possession. This key opens the lock where the kidnapped scientists are held hostage, and is also the way forward.

The game also has an extensive list of individually designed junk food characters that you can kill. Some examples are cookies, donuts, smoothies, candy and lots and lots of junk food. We’ve included a little gameplay of the game to show you what you’re getting into.

My idea of ​​cookies is to die for:

In short, Cookies must that is not just a game, but a masterpiece. This game is so unique that I have never played such a concept. Is that a big problem? No! Is it a big problem for me? yep! Using the simple function of touching the screen and controlling your character, Twin Rebel developed an exciting story and great action gameplay.

Cookies Must Die is a great concept because it actively shows that junk food can kill us. This game can have a good physiological effect on people who are trying to stop eating junk food. They might as well try to eat healthy (I know that’s too much to wish for)

Anyway, this game is different because it’s not your usual attack and run game, it’s much more. You already have a small screen. Why not use the whole screen by making the character move from every direction and kill the most unhealthy sugar based junk food still trying to appease you with awesome gymnastic moves. This game has so much to offer and so much story to tell. I also have to find the climax. After all, I’m only in the 18th century.

Download cookies must die:

It was released on February 5, 2020 and has over 26,000 players worldwide with a rating of 4.4. The game contains ads and in-app purchases. The best part is that it doesn’t contain any spam ads while you play. This allows you to view a notification if your character dies. Just watch a 30 second ad and bring your character to life.

This way you can continue your game even if you lost once. It offers you in-app purchases, but doesn’t try to force you to buy the features you want. Only if you go to the in-app purchases section you will see the option to buy fake coins and diamonds with real money (don’t do this, enjoy the game).