ES File Explorer File Manager MOD APK (Premium)

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How to install ES File Explorer File Manager MOD APK (Premium) APK?

1. Tap the downloaded ES File Explorer File Manager MOD APK (Premium) APK file.

2. Touch install.

3. Follow the steps on the screen.

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The main feature for true professionals who want to use the full power of their phone with this application is Root Explorer. Of course, this feature requires you to root your phone, and once done, ES File Explorer Manager PRO will allow you to access barebones files. This is something the vanilla file manager didn't allow. There are risks associated with tampering with the components that make up your phone's operating system, but if you're aware and willing to challenge it, ES is there.




While most people rarely, if ever, need to use the pre-installed file manager on their phone, it’s there for a very good reason. Easier-to-use files like photos and videos can be found and indexed directly from apps like Gallery or Videos. For more advanced needs or users, being able to navigate the confusing area which is the internal structure of the files would be a godsend. This usually can’t be done with the pre-installed file manager that comes with every phone. While they are useful for basic tasks like traversing the top level of a file structure, they are limited at best and primitive at worst. This is where ES File Explorer came into play.


The best thing about ES File Explorer Manager is that while it has a rather narrow description, it is for users who need a more comprehensive way to view their phone’s file structure. Surprisingly it has a very intuitive interface. The app is well designed and even before you can select a menu to use the file structure as it is, the app collects most of the files you might be interested in such as documents, videos and photos.

On a more advanced level, ES File Explorer gives you the basic ability to browse the file structure. But at the same time, you can also edit them as you like: paste, copy, paste, move, etc. and transfer them to different devices. The app also included a viewer and a player so you could view your photos or videos without leaving the app. While this is also possible with vanilla’s File Manager, ES has gone a step further by integrating support for .rar and .zip archives as well.

The main feature for true professionals who want to use the full power of their phone with this application is Root Explorer. Of course, this feature requires you to root your phone, and once done, ES File Explorer Manager PRO will allow you to access barebones files. This is something the vanilla file manager didn’t allow. There are risks associated with tampering with the components that make up your phone’s operating system, but if you’re aware and willing to challenge it, ES is there.

The main feature for true professionals who want to use the full power of their phone with this application is Root Explorer. Of course, this feature requires you to root your phone, and once done, ES File Explorer Manager PRO will allow you to access barebones files. This is something the vanilla file manager didn’t allow. There are risks associated with tampering with the components that make up your phone’s operating system, but if you’re aware and willing to challenge it, ES is there.

Apart from all this, ES File Explorer also includes tons of other features like cache cleanup, SD card analysis, task killer, etc. It also functions as a general system tool that is flexible enough to handle most aspects of the phone’s file hierarchy. manage.


If you are a power user, you will love this app for all the tools and features it offers in such a compact package. And if you’re a regular user, you’ll love the friendly way it presents the entire file and clarifies the structure of your file. In short, this app is for everyone and should be used on all phones.

Download ES File Explorer Manager Latest APK Android

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