Rovio Classics: Angry Birds APK v


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How to install Rovio Classics: Angry Birds APK v1.1.1451 APK?

1. Tap the downloaded Rovio Classics: Angry Birds APK v1.1.1451 APK file.

2. Touch install.

3. Follow the steps on the screen.

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Rovio Classics: Angry Birds APK is a remake of the popular Angry Birds game. The game has newer graphics and smoother movement, but still has the same cheering and blocking elements as the original game.

Meet Rovio Classics: Angry Birds

A high-quality remake of Angry Birds!

If you were crazy before but couldn’t leave Angry Birds in the past, you want to relive the joyful obstacles of this legendary game in the updated version called Rovio Classics: Angry Birds.


For those who have played, the logic game screens of the Angry Birds series are probably no strangers. This recreation also begins when the greedy wild boars steal the bird’s eggs. This ruthless robbery angered the birds. So they are determined to take revenge and get their eggs back.

How many challenges are there?

This high-quality remake offers players 8 episodes with over 390 levels. All characters are taken from the original game with a newer look, smoother movement and even more attractive physics simulation.


The only downside is the greedy and ugly pigs.  They built a series of strong forts to hide in after their forest raiding campaigns. Will these fortresses be able to contain the anger of the angry birds?

Each bird has its own fighting ability and strength. Using your natural strength and logical judgment, you destroy all the pigs’ defenses for you.

Your job is to transform into a giant bullet, then land on giant catapults, line up and launch to squeeze and destroy a series of powerful fortress systems from the pigs.

On the touch screen, the game controls become even more engaging. In addition to targeting the “bullet path”, correctly calculating the speed and position of the drop, and choosing the right type of bullet, the birds in this remake series are not only bullets, they also have many other functions. In particularly stressful situations, you can also call Mighty Eagle for help.

At each level you get a certain number and type of birds and a corresponding cannon model. Cowardly green pigs are hidden deep inside the fortress. Your job is to use a large slingshot, drop the “bird bullets” in turn into the slingshot, count and measure the size and distance, then fire the bullets to destroy the pig jobs. Do your best so that each attack can destroy as many large pieces of the fortress as possible. If you successfully destroy the entire system and kill all the pigs inside it without using all or enough bird bullets, you win and move on to a new scene and vice versa.

Every time you win, you get a large amount of points. The remaining bird bullets are also counted as bonus points. When you reach a certain point, you unlock new bird bullets with more power and destruction.

Levels are not always linear from easy to hard. But they are in between, there are screens like “give free” so players can quickly collect points and soon unlock more types of birds.

Smoother graphics, better user interfaces and better physics simulation

Rovio Classics: Angry Birds UI has also been updated, giving players a more complete view while playing. Although it’s only 2D with direct vision, the camera automatically adjusts the distance according to the situation, sometimes making it possible to observe the whole scene and determine the height and width of the catapult in relation to the pig’s fortress. Sometimes he zooms in on the birds and the fortification system to see the whole process of destruction. This ability is also the factor that brings so much joy.

Rovio Classics: Angry Birds physics simulation is also rated better than the original version. The impact and chain effect, when different objects in the system fall and crumble, are sometimes fast, sometimes slow, depending on the variation of the impact force and the weight of the object itself. Everything makes sense, which creates a pleasant and completely satisfying feeling.